Call for Availability
$135 for 50 minute Individual Therapy Session
$160 for Couple's Session
See "Payments" on how I can work with your insurance benefits.
Initial consultations are free
Heidi Lindsey
Offering a holistic therapy approach,
welcoming & incorporating all aspects
of our human experience.
My approach is collaborative, engaging & strength based. My belief is that change happens when we are seen and heard. Having a space without fear, judgement or shame, and with unconditional positive regard open up a whole new world.
I combine my experience, education, creativity, and sense of humor with a down-to-earth, realistic, client-centered approach. My most important task for clients is that they use therapy as a tool to gain enough insight and coping skills to think, feel, and behave in such a way that they feel genuine and authentic.
The biggest healing factor in therapy is the relationship you have with your therapist. Every therapist may address issues with you in a different way. What's important is to find someone who's a good fit for you.
I consider it a privilege to walk with others as they work toward positive transformation and greater emotional health. Because this relationship is so important, I offer a free 15 minute consultation session. We will get your questions answered, as we work together towards a healthier version of you.
in person or Video sessions
DepressioN & Anxiety
Life can feel overwhelming. Do you need to feel validated, and heard? Building skills to manage the big emotions can be life-changing.When you have someone in your corner, it can be easier to see where change needs to happen. Overthinking can prevent us from being proactive toward meeting our needs, and distract us from growth.
An individual treatment plan can be the key to moving forward.
What has been holding you back?
RELATIONSHIPS & Pre-Marital Counseling
We all have them:
Work, In-laws, Friendships, Partners, and Intimate. Learning to set healthy boundaries, and remembering we can't change others, is a great place for us to start. Past relationships could be preventing you from enjoying today.
Getting married soon, and want to explore your relationship on a deeper level? I offer Prepare Enrich guided sessions to have the healthiest marriage for you both.
Is this an area you are ready to explore?
This can have many different meanings. A car accident, an assault or abusive relationship, loss of a loved one. Processing your trauma verbally helps to look through a different, and healing lens.
However you define your trauma, it's important to better understand its affects in your life.
Intimacy seems like it should be easy to talk about with the one you are intimate with. That's often not true. Whether it's stress, hormones, or life changes, intimacy can be affected.
Have anything you want help exploring personally or as a couple?
From the expected to unexpected, loss is not easy. Grief is a process, with no timeline. I like to discuss thoughts and feelings to be expected with loss.
Infertility & Pregnancy Loss
This is never an easy topic to broach as you walk the line between hope and despair.
Do you need someone removed from your situation to discuss your feelings about everything?

About Me
If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your own path. ~Buddha
Anxiety, depression, EMDR therapy
As a therapist, my clients have described me as warm and encouraging with a gentle nudge. I combine my experience, education, creativity, and sense of humor with a down-to-earth, realistic approach to counseling.
I want to help you improve the life experiences you are having, discover ways to build your strengths, and develop new skills and insights that will empower you to live a more meaningful, connected and fulfilling life.
Sound appealing? It means that you are ready for change.
Having lived in Colorado and India, I still consider myself a small-town gal, with my roots in Wisconsin. After several years in social work, I combined my skills as a therapist to align with my passion.
Anxiety, depression, EMDR therapy
Anxiety, depression, EMDR therapy

Many of my clients have a portion of my services paid for through their out-of-network outpatient mental health benefits, or health savings account.
​A few benefits of private pay even if you have insurance: No DSM diagnosis is necessary, so your health record information does indeed stay private! Insurance won't dictate how many sessions you're "allowed", or tell you what therapist you must see.
Call to find out which insurance companies I am considered in-network with.
Financial difficulties should not prevent you from getting the help that you need. Let me know if this is a concern for you.
$135 per 50-minute individual session
$160 per couple's session
Payment is due at the time of each session by cash, check, credit card or HSA, unless we have come to a different agreement.
If I am in-network with your insurance, leave the billing to me. Ask how I can work with your out-of-network benefits too.
Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, health care providers are required to inform individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage or a Federal health care program, or not seeking a claim with their plan or coverage, upon request or at the time of scheduling health care items and services, to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) of expected charges.
The GFE shows the costs of items and services that are reasonably expected for services provided by True Counseling, LLC. This estimate is based on the time the estimate was created.
If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, and expected and advertised costs, you can dispute the bill. You may contact Heidi Lindsey to let her know the billed charges are higher than the Good Faith Estimate.
For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises or call HHS at (800) 368-1019.
in person & online
​Choose the method most convenient and comfortable for you. Therapy can be a commitment, and scary. Online session are a great answer to these barriers.
Call or text: 1-608-764-9806
Email: truecounseling@gmail.com
I offer a no fee initial consultation.
We will talk about what brings you to therapy, gather a brief history related to the issues that you are struggling with and discuss any concerns you may have. I will provide you with information about my training, experience and what the process of therapy looks like. All your information is secure and confidential, and will never be shared.
Lastly, I will go over scheduling and financial policies with you.
Ready to start?!
Anxiety, depression, EMDR therapy